Top Google Page Ranking Factors To Keep In Mind

One way to measure the success of a website is through its ranking position. The higher it ranks, the more benefits you can expect. For example, first-page links receive the majority of traffic. And by ranking on the first page also increases credibility. Users tend to trust what engines like Google prefer to put in front of them, so remember this when you wonder about the importance of search engine optimization.

In light of helping you reach the first page with your website, here are some of the top Google page ranking factors. Take note that you can use a basic approach with each and still get results. But if you are serious about competing with peer sites, only consider advanced tactics.

Quality And Consistency Of Content

The main purpose of a website is to deliver content. And when it does not provide content, it gives the user something else. For instance, it could be a video streaming site or an e-commerce platform. But even if you are running an online store or streaming videos, content can give you the edge you are looking for.

But you have to do more than just slap an article together. The quality of your articles matter and you are going to understand why as you read the rest of the Google page ranking factors.

Secondly, you have to publish on a consistent basis. One post a month is not going to be enough to get picked up by engines like Google. Keep the posts more regular and keep users coming back for more.

Focus On Using Relevant Keywords

If you do not know already, the keywords you use are incredibly valuable. These directly connect you with users in a manner of speaking. But they also create expectations. When users type in a search term, they expect relevant information. Because few things are as frustrating to users as following a link with the exact keywords they used, only to find something completely different.

Always ensure you use keywords that are relevant to the content you post. For instance, if you have a website about pets, your keyword choices need to reflect this.

The Responsiveness Of Your Website

What does it mean to have a responsive website? Thanks to the wide variety of devices to browse the internet with, different user experiences are to be expected. Remember that you are dealing with different resolutions and software capabilities. If the theme of the site is not able to cater to certain devices, it will probably not show up for searches through these devices.

Hence the reason for investing in a design that will respond to as many devices as possible. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and desktops, allow all users to have a great experience. It can make a big difference when you want to stay competitive.

Loading Speed

Another critical element you cannot afford to overlook is the loading speed of the site. Users these days do not appreciate waiting longer than two or three seconds for a page to load. Anything longer can ultimately see you lose a lot of traffic, simply because the site takes too long to load.

You can bet on Google paying attention to the loading speed, in addition to all the other things like responsiveness. Then it will combine all these factors and benchmark your website accordingly.


What does user-engagement have to do with higher rankings? Many website owners fail to realize that Google takes note of the time that users spend on their sites. The longer users stick around, the more it shows Google the site is worth ranking higher.

But this also produces a bounce rate. The bounce rate measures how quickly visitors leave once they land. If the bounce rate is high, it indicates users are not happy with what they get. A low bounce rate means your visitors probably like what you are doing.

These top Google ranking factors are not the only ones. But they serve as solid starting points on your journey to turn things around. If you haven’t been seeing the traffic you want, it is a matter of making effective changes. And maybe you missed some of the points mentioned in this particular post.

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